I recently contributed to this article on RedFin, and am so excited to share it with you. Creating an uplifting space at home where you can reset is a great way to support your spiritual wellness practice.
Have you been dreaming about creating a space in your home that encourages harmony, tranquility, and peace? If so, a serenity room may be the perfect option for you. Whether you live in a condo in Tampa, FL, or a home in Portland, OR, a serenity room provides a place to detach from your busy schedule to practice mindfulness, yoga, meditation, or anything else that brings you peace. To help you get started, we reached out to serenity enthusiasts to share their best tips on how you can create a serenity room in your home. Read on to see what they had to say.

1. Create a space that supports your intended activity
Blue lighting has been shown to support feelings of relaxation, safety, and stability. Couple this with a neutral wall coloring and keep other furnishings simple. Try to find a candle with your favorite soothing aroma to be used as a visual focal point, as well as an extra-sensory item. If you share your space with others, invest in a sign you can place outside reminding others that you’re in the room partaking in practice and to keep the noise down and not to disturb you – unless it’s an absolute emergency of course. – School of Positive Transformation
2. Choose decor with a positive emotional connection
Most people don’t consider the energy of the decor they put into their space. For a serenity room, you’ll want to choose decor that you have a positive emotional connection to, unlike soulless mass-produced artwork from big box stores. Examples of decor with positive energy could be a painting by an artist who inspires you, or an art piece you picked up in your travels to a place you love. – Katrina Slade
3. Less is more
Minimize distractions, clutter, and chaos in your space. For starters, your phone isn’t only outside of the room entirely, but it’s also turned to airplane mode or do not disturb. Our busy minds are already cluttered enough with the stresses of daily life, don’t add more to the space meant to serve and uplift you. Less is more in your sacred space. – Sol Yoga Collective
4. Choose objects that invoke peace or inspiration
When creating your serenity room, choose objects that invoke a deep sense of peace or inspiration for you. This could include flowers, pictures, essential oils, or even colors. The most important thing is that you feel at peace when you are in your serenity room, so you can drop into a state of bliss as soon as you enter. – Sura Flow
5. Incorporate crystals
Crystals have a measurable effect on you and your personal environment. Large or small, adding a crystal to your serenity space can amplify your experience of blissful relaxation. Place a piece of rose quartz over your heart to help calm anxiety and stress, or add a selenite tower to bring peaceful beauty into your room; it also clears out any funky, old energy lingering around. – Expanding Spirits
You can incorporate crystals and stones into your home for their healing properties. Black tourmaline is a stone that’s used as a negative energy shield, it makes a great stone for your living room. Add amethyst in your bedroom, to keep the positive energy and help you wind down after a long day. To keep your place metaphysically glamorous, add selenite along your window sills and let the magic happen when the light shines through the windows. – Femme Yogipreneur
Create a sanctuary of serenity in your home by transforming your space with crystal energy, herbal self-care & surrounding yourself with things that make your soul shine. Radiate positive vibes by choosing a crystal for each room that best matches your intention. Raise your vibration by cleansing the energy of your home regularly and getting rid of things that no longer serve you. Light candles, burn sage, incense, and essential oils, and nurture your body with herbal teas and holistic remedies. – Mystic Minerals LLC
6. Relax with essential oils, crystals, and living plants
There are tons of essential oils on the market today so make sure they are high grade as well as calming and grounding such as lavender or bergamot. Have a crystal hanging in the window. Some sort of clear faceted crystal is ideal to help break up any sort of stagnant or negative energy in the room. Finally, incorporating living plants can help create a more vibrant life force energy in any room. Plus, the calming effect it has on our mind, body, and spirit will almost automatically help you sink into serenity. – Arlene A Mora
When creating a serenity room, the atmosphere is key, and a simple way to make a big impact. When you’re done cleaning and preparing your space, focus on ways to enhance the way it feels when you walk in. Thoughtfully choosing simple additions like candles, lighting, an aromatherapy diffuser, natural elements, and plants can be a great start. Bring it to the next level by being mindful of temperature and/or air purification, natural light, and background music or sound. – Power Move Virtual Yoga Studio

7. Incorporate external objects to serve as outer support
In the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, we try to cultivate an outer environment that’s conducive to maintaining a peaceful and calm inner environment. We might place a meditation cushion on the floor in front of a small altar table holding a candle, fresh flowers, water bowls, or other offerings, and perhaps a photo or statue of the Buddha, Kuan Yin, or a similar figure from one’s own spiritual tradition. These external objects serve as outer support for the inner practices of mindfulness and meditation. – Discovering Mind
8. Remember the keywords: soft, sound, and stones
Choose soft colors, ambient sounds like running water or chimes, and gemstones throughout the room or concentrated in a particular area that can serve as an altar. Stones like rose quartz, celestite, and amazonite add a soothing, calming vibe. – Jacquie Bird, Spiritual Wellness
9. Be connected with your space
First, pick a space in your home where you feel drawn to. Second, add things that mean something to you: like your favorite candle or oil diffuser, a comfortable place to sit like a bolster or fuzzy rug, and a plant. Finally, light your candle, come into a comfortable seated position, and breathe. – Shareia Oliver
10. Create a meditation corner in your bedroom
You don’t need to have a meditation room to meditate, but if you can have one that’s great. Otherwise, I would make a meditation corner in your bedroom. Your bedroom is the temple of your physical body, and your body is the temple of your soul. Make sure the room has natural light, and windows, is quiet and neat and has some earthly elements like plants or crystals. – Daniela Mattos Yoga
11. Keep it simple
To quiet the body is to still the mind. Keep the room, or even a corner of a room simple: a meditation cushion on the floor, a straight-backed chair. Get a small bell to ring at the beginning and end of the period. A votive candle is nice, as are incense and flowers. – San Mateo Zen
12. Follow your intuition
When creating a serenity room, your primary intention should be to create a space that elevates your mood, allows you to feel comfortable and relaxed, and feels special to you. Gather anything that puts you in a state of joy and receptivity, whether that’s beautiful cushions, a yoga mat, crystals, candles, mala beads, photos, oracle cards, or treasures you’ve gathered in nature. This space is just for you, so follow your intuition and add anything that’ll entice you to sit in that space on a regular basis – and remove anything that doesn’t feel right. -Bianca Elliott, Soullo Wellness
13. Utilize aromatherapy and color magic
Utilize items that incorporate aromatherapy, as scents can be used to calm the mind. This can be essential oils, incense, or your favorite candle. Also, consider using color magic to help create the perfect ambiance. Light and neutral colors may be best, but if you have a specific intention, using color magic can help shift the energy in a room. For example, white and blue are cleansing and calming. If you’re more focused on heart healing, you may find pinks and reds are best. – Crystal & Craft